
This page allows you to configure all the parameters related to the dialogs.

  • Test dialogs identification

    This section allows you to determine the parameters that will allow to identify test dialogs. Indeed, all the options in this section let you classify your dialogs. You can then decide if you want to identify the dialogs to which the answers are ignored in analytics as being test dialogs.

    You can also exclude social interactions from analytics by checking the box Filter social dialogs.

    After your modifications, click Update to validate the configuration.

  • Dialog anonymization

    This section is used to determine the parameters related to the dialog anonymization.

    • Duration before anonymizing dialogs: This element allows to anonymize the dialogs history that happened x days before the current time with ID greater than the bot's preference (bot.lastdialoganonymized). You can also make the anonymization inactive (-1) or make it instantaneous (0). Note that there is a retroactive effect if the anonymization has never been activated before.

      Anonymization happens every 20 minutes. If you have a significant number of dialogs to anonymize, it is recommended to use the Anonymize all the dialogs option as a first step.

    • The option Anonymize the IP address allows to anonymize the IP address linked to a dialog without anonymizing the other data associated with dialogs.

      Note: dialog anonymization allows us to keep usable analytics.

    • Anonymize all the dialogs

      You can anonymize all dialog data (questions, answers, sidebars, uploaded files, comments of satisfaction, answers to surveys) at a time tby clicking Anonymize all the dialogs. Dialogs in progress or taking place afterwards will not be anonymous.

      Note: contextual variables are also anonymized unless they are defined as dimension for v2 analytics.

      Anonymization applies to all chatbot dialogs whose ID is greater than the chatbot's preferred preference (bot.lastdialoganonymized). After anonymizing all dialogs, the preference will be updated with the ID of the last anonymized dialog. If this preference does not exist, the default value is 0.

      The data processing can be quite long depending on the number of dialogs to process (a batch of 10,000 requiring about 20 seconds of processing).

      Anonymization replaces the captured values with the value Anonymized.

      Note: dialogs anonymization lets you keep useful analytics.

  • Dialogs purge

    This section allows you to configure parameters related to dialogs purge.

    This is a once-daily process to purge dialogs from your bot based on the configured parameters.

Fields Define the number of days during which conversations are stored before being deleted can only contain positive values equal or superior to 1. Negative values or 0 will not trigger the purge.

If the Save test dialogs option is checked, the test dialogs will not be purged.

The field Time during which dialog external events are kept (in days, no retenion if -1, no deletion if 0) is inactive if the selected value is 0. The -1 value makes it possible to immediately purge dialog events.

  • Bot dialogs

    This section lets you determine if the automatic chatbot dialogs will or not be displayed during a Livechat supervision section.

  • Previous dialogs

    This section allows you to determine the parameters related to previous dialogs (number of days previous to display).

    By checking the box Purge external values each night, the external data will be deleted each night. This applies to all bot dialogs that started before the day in question. Thus, the dialogs of the same day are not concerned by this operation.

    Note: triggering this action may result in impacts on analytics in the specific case where external values have been defined as a dimension and that a new calculation of the analytics is made.

  • White List IPs

    Adding a white list of IP addresses allows you to define dialogs coming from given IPs as test dialogs. Whitelisting IPs allows you to exclude them from the analytics of dialogs coming from a given IP.

    You can then associate IP addresses with names.

    To do so, click Add and fill in the fields.

    Click the blue tick to validate.

  • Display format for user names in dialogs

    This section allows you to determine the display format of the user name in a specified format.

  • Define a password to encrypt dialogs

    This section allows you to set a password definitive to encrypt dialogs. This one can not be modified and the choice of the encryption of the dialogs can not be canceled.

    Then, by going to the Dialogs page, a new button appears to let you Decrypt dialogs.

    By clicking on this button, you will be asked for the password defined in advance. Click Validate. The dialogs are decrypted.

    Note: you can encrypt the dialogs again by clicking the Restore dialogs encryption button.

  • Import dialogs from external Livechat

    This section allows you to select the web service to use to import dialogs from an external Livechat tool.

  • Dialog export to Excel

    This section allows you to determine which features will be displayed on the Excel file when exporting dialogs.

    You can therefore check the boxes of the variables that you want to display on your Excel file for exporting dialogs.

In the Custom Variables to Export (Comma Separated) field, you can add your custom variables so that they are displayed in the Excel export through additional columns. To do so, simply enter the variable(s) (separated by commas). Finally, click Update to validate the changes made.

Last updated

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