Genesys Livechat connector
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If you are using the Genesys livechat solution, Dydu can couple its solution to the Genesys livechat to perform a seamless escalation from chatbot to human.
We will detail below the configurations needed in both the Dydu BMS and Genesys to establish interoperability between the 2 applications.
We currently support the connexion between our solutions and Genesys Cloud. If you are a Genesys on-premise user, interoperability is not available at the moment.
If you do not know yet how to perform an escalation from chatbot to livechat, check this article first.
The Livechat tab is hidden by default in your BMS. You need to activate it firt in the preference options.
Navigate to Preference - Bot - General - Livechat escalation - escalation type and select GENESYS in the dropdown list.
Save your choice and the sub-menu Livechat parameters will appear under the Preference tab.
Navigate to Preferences > Livechat parameters > External connectors.
In this section, you need to provide 3 types of information:
(Mandatory) Genesys connector
(Optional) Identity mapping
(Mandatory) Dydu competency and Genesys queue mapping
Below are details about how to fill out each field:
This is the metadata of the Genesys connector that you will retrieve via the Genesys interface.
Here you need to fill in 3 fields:
Domain: select the domain name of your Genesys Cloud API in the drop-down list. It varies depending on the location of your Genesys Cloud data center. If you don’t know your Genesys domain, contact the Genesys Cloud administrator of your organization.
Client ID and Client Secret retrievable in Genesys. (Refer to the section below "Configurations in Genesys" for more details).
If you want the Livechat operator to know the identity of your Livechat user to offer a more personalized conversation experience, you should first create a knowledge item in the BMS using variables that will capture this information the chatbot can communicate to the Livechat agent.
Genesys offers 3 types of data that Dudu will retrieve: the email address, the last and the first name of the user. Choose the type of data you want to transmit to the Livechat operator (e.g. email address) and create a corresponding free input variable in the knowledge base as below.
The name of the "mail" variable is what you should use to fill in the Email field in your Livechat settings.
If you want to assign user messages to Livechat agents according to their expertise (Marketing, Payment, IT...), you must indicate here the correspondence between the Livechat competencies set up in BMS and those created in Genesys.
In general, you will see in the list below the Dydu Livechat competencies on the left and the queues set up in Genesys on the right.
Select the corresponding Genesys queue from the drop-down list. Leave it empty if the mapping is not necessary
(The steps to set up queues in Genesys are detailed in the next section.)
A special case: without competency
You may not have any Livechat competencies if your operators do not specialize in a particular area. In this case, to ensure the correspondence with Genesys, a "without competency" line is always displayed. Leave the dropdown list empty.
The Genesys API has recently been updated to allow the sending of custom attributes. To simplify management and avoid a variable-length list, we have decided to limit the number of mappings to a maximum of 10. This approach involves defining a fixed list of 10 mappings in the configuration.
When transmitting data to Genesys, only the mappings that are actually configured will be sent. This ensures efficient management of custom attributes, avoiding redundant data and simplifying the process.
Generally, there are 5 steps to follow in your Genesys Cloud platform:
Client Oauth creation.
Automatic creation of Integrations in Genesys Cloud.
Queue configuration.
Definition of the inbound message distribution rules in the design tool Architect.
Correspondence between message distribution rules and Integrations created in step 2.
This step allows you to generate in Geneys Cloud the Client ID and Client Secret required by the Genesys Connector fields in the BMS.
To create your Client Oauth :
Navigate to Admin > Integrations > Oauth.
Click on "add client"
In "Client Details," add an "App Name," "Description," and "Grant types."
In Roles, don't forget to assign roles to your OAuth client that will determine Dydu's permissions to use the Genesys API.
The required permissions for the Genesys Livechat connector are:
We advise you to add the roles "Master Admin" or "User."
Follow instructions here to create your Client Oauth on Genesys Cloud.
Click on save.
Retrieve the Client ID & Client Secret:
Go to Preferences > Settings > External Connector, and fill in the Client ID & Client Secret retrieved in step 6.
Click on "update".
Once the Client Oauth is created and the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" are filled in BMS > External Connector, your Dydu bot's information is sent to Genesys and open-messaging-type integrations are created automatically in Genesys > Admin > Message > Platform.
You don't have to do anything in this step but you will use these integrations in step 5.
In general, the Dydu API will create an integration called DYDU bot connector.
In addition, if you have Livechat competencies set up on your Dydu bot, an additional integration per competency will be created as well.
Ex: DYDU bot connector (Marketing) is created in correspondence to the Livechat competency Marketing of the bot Dydu.
Do not change the names of the integrations even if they are editable, as they are used to establish the correspondence between Dydu and Genesys.
Queues will allow you to define the areas of expertise of your Livechat operators and assign them to a categorized waiting list of messages called “queue”.
They are created in Genesys Cloud > Admin > Contact Center > Queues.
Follow instructions here for more details.
Note: to add an operator to a queue, go to the Member tab in the parameters of the queue in question : Once the queues have been created, remember to go back into the BMS to match them with the Livechat competencies.
Once you have created the queues, you must define the rules by which new messages will be assigned to these queues.
The rules are defined in the flow design tool called Architect.
Detailed steps:
Go to Admin > Architect.
On the Architect home page, hover over the Flows section and select Inbound Message from the drop-down list.
Click on + Add. A flow creation modal will open. Fill in the fields. If you need help, refer to instructions here
Once the fields are completed, click on Create Flow and the flow design interface opens.
Genesys offers a wide range of message distribution rules. Let's take a simple scenario as example: if an incoming message falls under the Animal expertise, the message will be assigned to the Animal queue. Thus, our final flow diagram should look like this:
This is what the default diagram looks like: We will remove the Disconnect step that is created by default and add a step to assign the message to the Animal queue. To do this, click on the 3 dots next to Start and then Toolbox > Transfer to ACD. (ACD: “automatic call distribution”)
Next, we need to define the target queue to which incoming messages will be sent. We will select the Animal queue created in step 4 from the drop-down list on the right. Leave the rest of the fields empty.
The last step: save and publish your flow.
This is the last step to set up the interoperability between the Genesys connector and your Dydu bot.
Navigate to Admin > Routing > Message Routing.
Click on + on the right to create a new correspondence.
On the left, select the flow "Animal". On the right, select the address (the integrations created in step 2) that corresponds to the Livechat competency of your Dydu bot. In our example: "Dydu bot connector (Animal)".
Congratulations! The interoperability between the Genesys Livechat Connector and your Dydu bot is established. All you have to do now is test it!
Create a knowledge base that enables Livechat escalation with a specific skill (for e
Go to Content > Context Condition
Create a context condition with the desired skill (here: commercial support).
Add it to your Livechat knowledge base.
(Optional) If you want to retrieve the identity of your users, create a knowledge base using variables for email/first name/last name, whose values will be captured in free text input.
Follow the configuration steps for BMS and Genesys as outlined above.
On your Genesys Cloud platform, ensure the tester is part of the operators assigned to the Animal queue and that the "Available" status in the top right corner is activated to receive incoming messages.
Open the preview page of your chatbox created via Channels and call the knowledge base created in step 1 to activate escalation to Genesys Livechat.
In the Dydu chatbox: The end user seamlessly transitions to a conversation with a human operator while remaining in the same chat session. They can receive real-time messages and attachments sent by the operator.
On Genesys Cloud: When a new message arrives, the operator receives a notification. They can access the conversation via the Interaction section, view the conversation history, respond to the user, and send attachments (currently limited to images).