Operator Interface

Operator Interface:

Each livechat operator has an interface allowing him to manage his availability (via his status) and the conversations he receives.

1-Operator statuses:

Operators have the ability to configure their status. Depending on the latter, new conversations may or may not be transmitted to them. Here is the list of available articles:

  • Connected: allows you to receive new dialogs;

  • On break: no assignment of new dialogs;

  • Training: no assignment of new dialogs;

  • Phone: no assignment of new dialogs;

  • Talking with supervisor: no assignment of new dialogs;

  • No new dialog: when the operator is running a complicated dialog, he can set this status to not be assigned new dialogs;

  • Looking for information: when the operator switches to this status, the user sees that they are looking for information. If the operator takes time to get back to the dialog, the user is sent a notification to indicate that the operator is still looking for information.

2-Livechat Interface Manager:

Dialogs tabs:

When the operator is able to receive a new conversation, a notification is sent to his screen and the conversation is displayed directly on his console as a new tab.

A time is displayed in this tab. This indicates how long the user has been waiting for their conversation to be supported. To start the conversation, the operator clicks on the tab: the conversation is considered to be off-loaded. A welcome phrase can be sent automatically, if configured in general sentences. Until the conversation is unhooked, the representative tab continues to flash at the top of the bar. The white cross closes the dialog.

Once the conversation is unlocked, the operator accesses the entire end-user chat with the chatbot

From its console, the operator can automatically search for a response in the bot’s knowledge base via the “Search for knowledge” tab. He can consult the answer for each knowledge before deciding to send it. With a simple click on the desired knowledge, the response is auto-completed in the operator’s response field.

It is also possible to automatically search for a knowledge from a user’s question by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the user’s question. From the console, predefined answers from the knowledge base are available directly (without having to search for them). The operator can use them by clicking on them or using the keyboard shortcut that may be programmed.

2-Connected operators:

From its console, the operator can view the other connected operators. For each connected operator it is possible to: know their status, Know your occupancy rate: that is, how many conversations you are having compared to your total conversation capacity to know his competence, to transfer a conversation to him: when for example the end-user request requires a skill that another operator has.

3-User's information

For each livechat conversation, a sheet containing information about the end user is available from the console. The user information to be displayed is configurable. By default, the sheet shows the browser, the OS and the location of the end user. If the user is identified, it is possible to set the record to display the user’s first and last name. Ultimately, all the information retrieved about the user can be displayed in this sheet.

4-Dialog window

The operator can request help via Internal message, which allows him to get in touch with a manager if they need help with a complex problem:

Click this button to transfer the current dialog. Then select the operator to whom the dialog will be transferred then leave him eventually a message if you wish. Click Ok.

The second operator, who recovers the dialog, will see a new tab with the symbol of an arrow to indicate that it is a transferred dialog.

The operator has the ability to see how many tabs the livechat interface is open on simultaneously thanks to the icon displayed at the top right next to their name (see image below).

Access to the BMS from the operator interface

The displayed page contains only the livechat settings that can be modified by an operator.

Last updated

Tous droits réservés @ 2023 dydu.