Search field


The search field service parameters are as follows:



dialog id

The return of the web service will contain, among other things, the value that will subsequently be given to this field in order to group all the requests within the same research. A request is part of a search only if they have the same contextId.

On the server side, when the context identifier is not used for 10 minutes, the search is archived and this identifier is revoked.

If an invalid or revoked context identifier is passed to the web service, the server will ignore it and generate a new valid context identifier.


Bot ID (Bot identification)

Chatbot ID can be retrieved from Preferences > APIS > API access.


User Input

This parameter contains the user's research.


Consultation space

The consultation space to be used can be sent to the search field through this parameter. So no consultation space is used in particular, the value of this parameter needs to be Default


ISO code of the language (fr, en, nl)

The language parameter is useful especially when the bot is multilingual. The passage of this parameter indicates which language the bot uses by default.


Information if user has already come

This parameter is used to indicate if the user has already visited. The value true indicates that the user has already come . The value false indicates that the user never came.


User identification

If this parameter is not entered, the dialog will be anonymous. If this parameter is entered, this can be done if the search field is used from a connected space on the site, then this identifier will be associated with the search.

In the back office, on the reading requests page, however, the user name will only be displayed to the administrator profiles.


User current url

This parameter is used to indicate from which URL the search is performed.



This parameter is used to indicate which browser is used by the user.


Qualification mode

This parameter is used to indicate whether the searches performed are in a qualification (or acceptance) mode. By setting this parameter to true, knowledge that is in the published AND validated statuses is usable. On the other hand, dialogs are not counted in analytics.

By setting this parameter to false, only knowledge with published status can be used.

Searches are counted in the analytics. The default value of this parameter is false


Solution used

This parameter is used to indicate the type of solution used: assistant, livechat, fieldbox, etc.

tag (or tagID)


This parameter is used to include a tag. To insert the value of a tag, you can enter its name or tag ID.

To retrieve the tag ID of a tag: right click >inspect on your subtag. Then, obtain the following code (example):

div id="tag-6671"

In this example, the tagID is 6671.


Maximum number of answers to display

Corresponds to the maximum number of answers to display.

Requests example

Request (input):

Required parameters
Optional parameters

- botID

- alreadycame

- space

- clientId

- language

- browser

- userInput

- qualificationMode

- solutionUsed

- userUrl

- maxAnswerNumber

    "callback": "jsonCallBack",
    "type": "fieldboxproactive",
    "parameters": {
        "solutionUsed": "fieldbox",
        "botId": "f0de8c15-af21-467f-8cec-1494ee85ec87",
        "language": "en",
        "userInput": "how",
        "space": "Common"

Result (output):

    "type": "fieldboxproactive",
    "values": {
        "sourceInput": "how",
        "contextId": "ed59375b-7c2c-444f-93d4-30a61b4e28a9",
        "suggestions": []

Last updated

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