Global sentences

Global sentences represent bot answers during a dialog that are not handled directly by the knowledge base and that can be used to handle particular situations.

Go to Content > Global sentences to handle global sentences in your bot.

Misunderstood sentences

  • Answer for misunderstood sentences

This sentence is provided by the bot when it has not been able to understand the request of the user.

  • Too many misunderstood sentences

This response is provided by the bot when it failed to understand several questions from the user. You have the option to disable this response in case you use the proactivity of your bot in some cases, for example, triggering the Livechat after 3 misunderstood sentences.

Invalid questions

  • Default answer for too long questions

When a user question is too long, the bot will give this answer.

  • Answer for empty sentences

The bot will provide this answer when the user sends an empty request.

  • Click on links

When the user clicks on a link, the bot will provide this answer.

  • Links open in new tabs

The bot tells the user that the link he just clicked opened in a new window.


  • Automatic welcome sentence when a livechat is accepted by an operator

You can add a sentence like "Hello, how can I help you?".

Note: after defining the welcome sentence, you need to click on "Enable this answer" to make it effective.

  • Automatic sentence at the end of the Livechat dialog

You can add a sentence like "The dialog with your operator is finished".

  • Sentence sent to reengage the user

  • Reengage sentence sent to the live chat user when searching for information

  • Sentence when the livechat automatically ends

  • Sentence to welcome users to the livechat on the debug mode

This sentence is only sent after users asking for a Livechat escalation with the keyword #livechatconnectiondebug# and when there is an operator available with the "debug" status.

  • Sentence when no operator is available

This is a sentence that appears when the user asks to speak to an operator and there is none available.

  • Sentence when the Livechat service is closed

  • Sentence when a survey is sent by operator

Inaccessible answer

  • Default answer for disabled knowledges

When a knowledge is not published, your bot explains to the user that he has been able to understand it but can not provide an answer.

  • Default answer when action is empty

When a knowledge answer is empty, your bot explains to the user that he has been able to understand it but can not provide an answer.


  • Refocus sentence

This sentence is added at the end of the non-business bot's answers to refocus the dialog.

  • Answer in case of internal errors

When an internal error occurs, the bot will provide this answer.

  • Rewords introduction

Sentence to introduce reword when the bot isn't sure.

  • Global suggestion for rewords

This global sentence allows you to add a reword sentence (when the bot did not understand the user sentence) and allows you to redirect the user to another knowledge. To do so:

  1. Activate the answer with the Enable this answer button.

  2. Select the knowledge to which the reword will redirect the user and fill in the title (via the text editor > Edit) which will be displayed from the dialog box.

  1. Click Update.

Thus, when the bot does not understand a reword, it will propose to the user (in this example) to click on No suggestions can answer my question. which will return it to the knowledge Other (in this example) created previously.

Note: consider disabling satisfaction surveys on knowledge items to which the global suggestion redirects.

Livechat waiting queue

  • Sentence when leaving Livechat queue

Sentence when the user enters the queue but decides to close the window.

  • Sentence when no operator is available for queuing users

Livechat operators

These are sentences describing the status of the operator and the user when he is writing his answer.


These are sentences related to email options.

Last updated

Tous droits réservés @ 2023 dydu.