Answers elements
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You can use the different formatting offered by the text toolbar: bold, italic, add bullets, and so on. Below you will find more details on the available answer elements.
You can suggest opening a web page in the answer:
Select the word or group of words and click the Insert/edit link icon:
Fill in the following fields:
In the first Url field, enter your link.
The Text to display field allows you to enter the text that will be displayed.
The Title field allows you to add a title to your link. This title will be displayed only in the source code.
The Target field allows you to define how the link will open.
Click Ok.
If you want to make a clickable email, perform the same operation as to add a hyperlink:
Add to the URL: mailto:(email address) and click Ok.
You can propose a clickable link that will refer to another knowledge of your bot:
Enter the first terms of the knowledge on the Reword field and select it.
Click Ok then click Update.
You can pick up a word from a matching group in the answer.
In the answer, once the cursor to where you want to add your formulation, select the insert variable button: then select the variable or group. In our case, we select "dialog_nb_rewords" from the Variable tab.
Click Ok and the formulation will be represented this way in the answer bubble on edit mode:
By clicking More options at the bottom of the answer window, you will be able to configure more information.
It is therefore possible to perform redirects.
The URL redirection is used to automatically redirect the user to a page when the answer from the bot is returned.
It is also possible to redirect to another knowledge. This makes it possible to avoid duplicating its content.
For example, the question "How can I work on a testing environment ?" is using a redirection to knowledge "How can I create a bot ?":
The Redirect to another knowledge box is using predictive typing:
When the user asks the question "How to work on a test environment? It will have the first response element added in the knowledge "How to work on a test environment?" as well as the answer to "How to create a bot?":
A gray bubble Source appears. It means that the knowledge Source "How to create my first knwoledge?" proposes a redirection to the knowledge "How to create a new knowledge?".
If you have extra content to show to your end users that are not adapted to the classic dialog box of the chatbot, you can use a sidebar which is an extra modal placed next to the dialog box. It can be used to show images, videos, tables, or web pages.
You can add a sidebar via the WYSIWYG editeur by following theses steps:
In the answer editor, click More options -> Sidebar.
Edit the sidebar content as you would do for an answer. If you want to insert a web page, paste the page's URL in the "Show a web page" field.
Tips: if you want to add an image right next to the a (without a line break), you will need to define the format of the text and the image as "Paragraph".
The other options are composed of:
Define a GUI action: this allows javascript code to be included in the bot answer. This is used, among other things, to define the animation associated with the answer. The GUI action is also used to define Livechat actions.The GUI action is particularly necessary to:
Escalate the conversation in livechat, Create a livechat escalation)
define callbot actions (hang up, repeat, etc.)
allow a file download button to be displayed during a chatbot conversation (link to the new “Use a GUI action > Allow the user to send an attachment to the chatbot” doc
Answer type: this allows you to define an answer type associated with the knowledge. So, you can consider a knowledge as being a social knowledge, a misunderstood sentence or still as a neutral knowledge (not counted in analytics).
Automatic feedback: this option allows you to set an automatic feedback for the knowledge.
Survey: this option allows you to associate a survey with the knowledge that will then be suggested to the user.
Type of contact provided: this option allows you to add a way of contact for the user. You can make him filling a form, etc.
Switch consultation space: this option allows you to make the user switch to a consultation space.
Start Date: you have the option to create a knowledge that you do not want to publish right away but at a future date planned. By choosing a starting date, an alert on that date will indicate that you must pass this knowledge to the Published status to make it accessible to users.
Expiration date: when the date is due, an alert will appear in the Alerts tab and the configured answer will be displayed for unpublished knowledge (modifiable answer in Global sentences). You can continue to display the answer you added by checking the Keep answer after expiration date option.
Variable edition before action: this option allows you to define a variable before executing the action. The defined action will then be executed before the answer.
Variable edition after action: this option allows you to define a variable after the action is executed.
Keep answer after expiration date: this option allows you to keep the answer after the expiration date.
Ignore in analytics: check this box allows you to indicate that you do not want this knowledge to be accounted in analytics.
Keep dialog box minimized: check this box to indicate that you want to keep the dialog box minimized.
Ask for feedback: you can choose if the answer does or does not require the users feedback. The demand is automatically checked when creating a knowledge. If you want to create a decision tree, this one will be requested at the end of a tree.
Lock text field: this option allows you to lock the text field.
Exclusive misunderstood sentence :
This option is only available in the failure branch of a decision tree.
When this option is checked and the user provides a response that does not belong to the success branches of the decision tree, the bot will reply with the content of the failure branch.
When this option is unchecked and the user provides a response that does not belong to the success branches of the decision tree but matches another answer from the knowledge base, the bot will provide the response from that knowledge source.
If you have created knowledge templates, a Template tab will be available from the options in your answer window.
You can then select one of your templates and use it to enrich your knowledge.
You can also use step actions: those allow you to cut multi-step knowledge with the Previous and Next buttons.
You can use the “step actions” to divide an answer into several steps. This feature is useful for example for knowledge explaining a step by step process.
First, you need to parameter this feature in your project because it is not by default.
Go to Preferences > Bot > General.
Scroll down to the Knowledge section
Check the Allow action steps box.
Click Update at the bottom of the page.
Now you can create knowledge with step actions.
When creating a knowledge, you can then add action steps this way:
Pull down the menu dedicated to the consultation spaces at the top right of the answer window.
Click the step icon in the current consultation space, then click Add step.
Default = step 1
Default -step 2 = step 2
Default - step 3 = step 3 …
You can create up to 15 steps by clicking on the “steps” icon.
For each addition of a step “update” the knowledge for saving the corresponding answer.
Click the "-" icon to remove a step. You can also delete all steps thanks to the "Delete all" option.
On front side
The answer is now displayed step by step with the corresponding answer and the possibility to go forward and backward over the steps using the “previous” and “next” buttons.
Click Ok to validate your modifications.
You can use your GUI actions within your knowledge from the answer window. In the practical case below, you will be able to define a GUI action to modify the placeholder of your bot after triggering a specific knowledge. This can be useful if you want to tell the user to enter their email address.
From the answer window, click More options then click the Other options tab.
Click the arrow on the right of the set GUI action and enter the title of the placeholder that you want to display after triggering the knowledge.
Click Update then click Update again to validate the changes. Your placeholder will be edited when this knowledge is called.
Note: It is not possible to test this GUI action from the test bot. To test and validate the correct operation of changing your placeholder to the call of a knowledge, please test the knowledge on your bot from a URL test (on the configuration page of your bot).
Callbot :
Block STT
Hang up
Redirect with intro
Send a SIP header
Silent user timeout
Clear history interactions
File load request
Open the dialog box
Display only the side panel
Connect to livechat
Call button triggering a knowledge
Display a survey
Select the part you want to make clickable and click Insert/edit link:
Click the Insert redirection: of the toolbar and then click Reword.
Note that you can also change the source code for your answer by clicking Source code:
Click the icon on the right of Define a GUI action then select the action CustomPlaceHolder.