Dialogs Export
It is possible to export the dialogs in several formats (XML, CSV, Excel) and according to several criteria.
The export API is available at the following URL: https://urlbackoffice.doyoudreamup.com/servlet/dialogexport
Important: do not forget to replace urlbackoffice by your platform URL.
Two means are available to export dialogs:
All dialogs between 2 dates;
A single dialog by its identifier.
The service can be used via HTTP GET or HTTP POST.
Note: Excel exports are limited to a period of 95 days. A request after this period will result in an error.
Service parameters
Parameters to export dialogs between 2 dates
Parameter | Description | |
botId | Bot Identifier (UUID) Accessible through the interface from Preferences > APIs then at the bottom of the page | mandatory |
language | Dialog languages Allowed values: fr, en, nl | mandatory |
startDate | Starting date of the export Allowed formats: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss s | mandatory |
endDate | End date of the export. Authorized formats are the same as for the start date. | mandatory |
format | Output format Allowed values: Xml (default), CSV, Excel |
exportDialogIds | Allows to store or not the dialog IDs. Authorized values: true (stores ID), false (default value, does not store ID) |
Parameters to export a dialog thanks to its identifier
Parameter | Description | |
botId | Bot Identifier (UUID) Accessible through the interface from Preferences > APIs then at the bottom of the page. | mandatory |
language | Dialog language Allowed values: fr, en, nl | mandatory |
contextId | dialog ID This ID is provided by Do You Dream Up | mandatory |
format | Output format Allowed values: Xml, CSV, Excel |
exportDialogIds | Allows to save or not the dialog IDs. Authorized values: true (save ID), false (does not save ID, default value) |
Back to XML
In the case of an export between two dates, the dialogs are exported in several XML files - one per day of the chosen period - which are compressed in a file in zip format.
For an export of a unique dialog, the XML file is not compressed.
Below is a description of the fields in the XML format:
Back to CSV
As for the XML export, the CSV export provides a compressed file in zip format including a CSV file per day when it is an export between 2 dates.
In the case of exporting only one dialog, the CSV file is not compressed.
The columns are separated by semi-colons.
Parameters |
Date | Chat start date |
Space | The place where the conversation took place |
Length | Total interactions |
Qualification | Whether the conversation was successful or failed - OnlyDirectMatches |
All of the user's questions resulted in a direct response from the bot.
This typology indicates that the conversation is totally successful
The user's questions during the conversation may have resulted in a rewording or misunderstood phrase, but the last question was understood by the bot.
This typology indicates that the conversation was successful because the user got an answer to his last question
The user's last question was not understood or reformulated, although other questions during the conversation were included
This typology indicates that the conversation is failing
Parameters |
dialog_user_id | User ID if it has been populated |
dialog_nb_rewords | Number of rephrases that have been proposed during the conversation |
dialog_nb_garbages | Number of sentences misunderstood during the conversation |
dialog_nb_clicked_automatic_rewords | The number of rephrases that were clicked by the user during the conversation |
dialog_nb_clicked_knowledge_redirections | When a response from the bot contains a link to another knowledge, the click is counted in this variable |
dialog_context_id | Conversation ID |
dialog_user_question | Last conversation question |
Tags | List of themes used during the conversation. These are separated by semi-colons and therefore appear in several columns. |
Excel Returns
The Excel export limits the number of dialogs to 1000. If more dialogs are involved in the current period, only the first 1000 will appear in the exported document.
Each dialog is exported in the following format:
Start date (dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm: ss);
Space: space;
First interaction: user question;
bot response;
Date in the format dd / MM / yyyy HH: mm: ss;
Satisfaction: positive or negative. The satisfaction is not systematically informed;
Reason for dissatisfaction: This is one of three reasons configured in the back office. The reason for dissatisfaction is not systematically informed;
Dissatisfaction comment: if the user left a comment of dissatisfaction;
Second user question;
Second response bot;
Reason for dissatisfaction;
Comment of dissatisfaction, etc.
The qualification indicates the degree of understanding of the question by the bot.
The DM prefix means Direct Match and indicates that the question has been understood.
The prefix RW stands for Reword and indicates a reword.
The prefix GB means Garbage and indicates that the sentence was not understood.
The OP prefix means Operator and indicates that the answer is from a human operator.
The prefix ERR stands for Error and indicates that there was an error while processing the question.
Parameters | |
DMUnderstoodQuestion | The question was understood by the bot and an answer was given |
DMDisabledKnowledge | The question was understood by the bot but the knowledge is not published, the bot replied that he was not able to answer this question |
DMClickRedirectionLink | The user clicked on a URL present in the previous response of the bot |
DMPushReplace | The response that has been provided by the bot has been completely modified by a complementary answer |
DMRewordClicked | The user clicked on a link from the previous answer of the bot and this link directed to an answer from another knowledge |
DMRewordClickedAuto | The user clicked on a reword link from the previous bot answer |
DMClickJavascriptLink | The user clicked on a link in the bot's previous answer which launched a javascript query |
RWOneReword | Reword with one suggestion |
RWTwoRewords | Reword with two suggestions |
RWThreeRewords | Reword with three suggestions |
GBMisunderstoodQuestion | The question of the user has been misunderstood |
GBTooManyMisunderstoodQuestions | The user's question has been misunderstood, but at least 2 other questions in the dialog had not been understood beforehand |
ERRApplicationException | An application error occurred |
ERRAPIException | An error while a call to an external web service happened |
OPWaitingForOperator | An escalation to Livechat has been made, the bot tells the user that it is necessary to wait for the connection of an operator |
OPRegularOperatorAnswer | This answer comes from a human operator |
Last updated