Create your bot

Creating a new bot implies defining new settings such as bot parameters, modules, users, users' rights, etc.

To create a new bot, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon at the top right of the page, next to your name.

  2. Click on Create another bot.

  3. A new window opens. Click on the + card.

For the French version

If your account is in French, by default the bot will be in French too. We offer two templates:

  • when you create a bot from scratch, you are invited to choose a name for it and then click on Create the bot.

  • when you create a bot from a template you are asked to:

    • select the category of end users

    • select a template

    • alternatively, you can send us a message to request a template

For the other languages

We do not yet offer a choice of templates in other languages. You are invited to choose a name for your bot and click on Create the bot.

Your bot is created. You can change bots whenever you want by simply clicking on your bot's name at the top right of the window.

You can then start setting up your bot, manage your users, create your matching groups and your first knowledge.

Last updated

Tous droits réservés @ 2023 dydu.