Annex: List of indicators

Indicators represent all the data that you can use in your statistical reports. This section presents the complete list of indicators available in the BMS.


  • Number of conversations: This refers to the total number of conversations.

  • Average duration of auto chat conversations without qualification: This is the average duration of a conversation with the chatbot (excluding qualification considerations).

  • Average duration of auto chat conversations with qualification: This is the average duration of a conversation with the chatbot (including qualification considerations).

  • Number of conversations with Livechat: This refers to the number of Livechat conversations.

  • Average duration of Livechat conversations (without questionnaire completion): This is the average duration of a conversation with the chatbot (excluding user questionnaire completion).

  • Duration of Livechat conversations (with questionnaire completion): This is the average duration of a conversation with the chatbot (including user questionnaire completion).

  • Number of answered Livechat conversations: This is the number of successfully escalated Livechat conversations.

  • Number of answered conversations where at least one operator response was manual: This is the number of successfully escalated Livechat conversations where the operator provided at least one manual response (not solely predefined responses).

  • Duration between escalation and first operator response: This is the average duration between escalation and the first response from the operator. This includes queue length and instances where the previous operator waited for a transferred dialogue. Automatic welcome responses in Livechat are considered as responses.

  • Distribution of duration between escalation and first response: This indicator shows how the time is distributed for successful Livechat escalations before the first operator response.

  • Duration between escalation and dialogue opening (operator answered): This is the average duration between escalation and the opening of the Livechat conversation by the operator.

  • Number of conversations queued: This refers to the number of conversations that were queued before being assigned.

  • Queue duration: This is the average time spent in queues (in seconds).

  • Number of people who exited the queue: This is the number of people who exited the queue.

  • Satisfaction with automated conversation: This refers to satisfaction data regarding conversations with the automated chatbot.

  • Average number of interactions per conversation: This is the average number of interactions per conversation.

  • Distribution of conversations by qualification: This is a breakdown of conversations based on their qualification (direct response, Livechat, failed, etc.).

  • Number of completed questionnaires: This refers to the number of questionnaires completed at the end of a conversation.

  • Duration of operator questionnaire completion: This is the average duration of completing the questionnaire sent by the operator at the end of a Livechat conversation.

  • Duration between conversation receipt and first response: This is the average duration between the conversation being received by the operator and their first response (an automatic welcome response in Livechat is considered a response).

  • Duration between conversation receipt and first manual response: This is the average duration between the conversation being received by the operator and their first manual response (automatic welcome responses in Livechat are excluded).

  • Average response time: This is the average duration between each user question and the response provided by the operator (in seconds).

  • Number of abandoned conversations: This refers to the number of conversations abandoned by the user before 90 seconds.

  • DialogsCallbackRequestsCount: This is the number of requests for phone callbacks.

  • DialogsCallbackDurationBeforeOperatorAnswersThePhone: This is the average duration before the operator answers the callback.

  • DialogsCallbackDurationEndCallAndRemoveDialog: This is the average duration between the end of a call and the removal of the conversation.

  • DialogsCallbackDurationBetweenConnectedAndCompleted: This is the average duration of a call.

  • DialogsCallbackRatioRequestsAnswer: This is the ratio of callback requests answered compared to the total callback requests.

  • Distribution of LiveChat opportunities: This refers to the number of Livechat opportunities triggered through knowledge resources.


  • Number of operator responses directly after user's question: This is the number of responses provided by the operator immediately after a user's statement.

  • Number of interactions: This is the total number of interactions.

  • EndUserInteractionsCount: This is the number of interactions initiated by the end user.

  • Number of business interactions: This is the number of business-related interactions.

  • Total number of feedback: This is the total number of feedback submissions by the user.

  • Average dialogue engine computation time: This is the average computation time of the dialogue engine (in milliseconds).

  • Average servlet computation time: This is the average computation time of the servlet (in milliseconds).

  • Maximum dialogue engine computation time: This is the maximum execution time of the dialogue engine (in milliseconds).

  • Maximum servlet computation time: This is the maximum response time of the servlet.

  • Distribution of interactions by response type: This refers to the distribution of interactions based on response type.


  • Number of completed surveys: This refers to the total number of surveys completed.

  • Number of completed survey fields: This refers to the total number of completed survey fields.


  • Number of supervisor help requests: This is the total number of supervisor help requests.

  • Number of manual transfers: This is the number of manual transfers made during Livechat conversations.

  • OperatorNotPickedDialogsCount: This is the number of conversations automatically transferred when an operator did not pick them up.

  • Number of conversations using knowledge (associated with the entry point): This is the number of conversations utilizing knowledge resources.

  • Number of feedback on knowledge per conversation: This is the number of feedback submissions on knowledge resources per conversation.

  • Number of conversations using a theme: This is the number of conversations using a specific theme.

  • Number of actions: This is the total number of actions performed.

  • Number of links clicked: This is the total number of links clicked.

  • Number of suggested links: This is the total number of suggested links clicked.

  • Queue capacity: This is the total capacity of the queue.

  • Queue occupancy rate: This is the occupancy rate of the queue.

  • Number of visitors: This is the number of visitors (a visitor is identified as such for 24 hours via a cookie).

  • TeaserClickCount: This is the number of clicks on a teaser.


  • Total number of feedback: This refers to the total number of feedback submissions provided by users.

  • Number of negative feedback on knowledge per conversation: This refers to the number of negative feedback submissions on knowledge per conversation.


  • Average duration between escalation and dialogue opening (operator picked up): This is the average duration between escalation and the opening of the conversation (when the operator takes over).

  • Duration in seconds with at least one operator available: This is the duration during which there is at least one operator available (in seconds).

  • Duration by operator status: This is the duration during which an operator is in a particular status (On call, Busy, etc.).

  • Connection time (available): This refers to the connection time of an operator when they are available.

Operator Interface

  • Maximum number of connected operators: This refers to the highest number of operators connected at any given time.

  • Operator occupancy rate: This is the percentage of time an operator spends engaged in conversations (occupied time with at least one conversation / total connected time with available status).

  • Concurrency rate: This is the average concurrency rate of conversations managed by an operator.

  • Concurrency rate distribution: This shows how concurrency rates are distributed across the number of conversations.

  • Operator productivity rate: This measures the productivity of an operator. It is calculated by taking the number of conversations handled by the operator, dividing it by their total connected time (in seconds), and multiplying by 3600 to obtain a value per hour.


  • Number of conversations with cobrowsing: This is the total count of conversations where cobrowsing was initiated.

  • Number of cobrowsing errors: This refers to the total number of errors encountered during the initialization of a cobrowsing session.

  • Number of cobrowsing requests sent: This is the total count of cobrowsing requests that were sent.

  • Number of cobrowsing requests accepted: This is the total count of cobrowsing requests that were accepted.

  • Number of cobrowsing requests declined: This is the total count of cobrowsing requests that were declined.


  • Average queue wait time: This is the average duration that a user spends in the queue (in seconds).

Codes corresponding to converters

 // dialogs
    DialogsCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of dialogs, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsChatDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCount), "Average chat duration of dialog in seconds (with automatic chat) (without survey completion)", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCount), "Average duration of dialog in seconds (with automatic chat) (with survey completion)", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsWithLivechatCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of dialogs with livechat, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsLivechatDurationWithoutChatAutoWithoutSurvey (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsWithLivechatCount), "Average duration of dialog in seconds (without automatic chat)", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsLivechatDurationWithoutChatAutoWithSurvey (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsWithLivechatCount), "Average duration of dialogue in seconds (without automatic chat) (with survey completion)", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of dialogs picked, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningWithOperatorAnswerCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Dialog, Count, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsEscalationToFirstOperatorDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount), "Average duration between escalation and first operator answer." It considers AutoHello as an answer. ", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsEscalationToFirstOperatorDurationDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelPickupDurationDistribution.values()), "TO BE REIMPLEMENTED", Dialog, Distribution, Duration),
    DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount), "Average Duration between escalation and dialog opening", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsWaitingQueueCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Dialog, WaitingQueue, Count)
    DialogsWaitingQueueDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsWaitingQueueCount), "Average duration in the waiting queue in seconds", DurationS, Dialog, WaitingQueue, Duration),
    DialogsWaitingQueueDropOutCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Dialog, WaitingQueue, Count)
    DialogsFeedback (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelFeedbackDistribution.values ()), "Last interaction feedback provided", Dialog, Feedback),
    DialogsLengthDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelDialogsLengthDistribution.values ()), "Distribution depending on the number of interactions in the dialog", Dialog, Distribution),
    DialogsQualificationDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EDialogType.values ()), "Distribution depending on the dialog qualification", Dialog, Distribution),
    DialogsSurveyFillingCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, "(INTERNAL) Dialog, Count, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsSurveyFillingDuration (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", DialogsSurveyFillingCount), "Average duration to fill survey for operators. ,
    DialogsOperatorResponseTime (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount), "Average duration between the time and the operator. present. ", Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsOperatorManualResponseTime (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount), "Auto Hello is ignored.", Dialog , Duration),
    InteractionsOperatorAnswerDirectlyAfterInternautQuestionCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, "(INTERNAL) Number of interactions from the operator that are directly after an internaut question", Interaction, Count),
    DialogsOperatorResponseTimeBetweenInteractions (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("(C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]) / 1000", InteractionsOperatorAnswerDirectlyAfterInternautQuestionCount), "Average duration between the time and the time the operator answers in seconds", Dialog, Duration) ,
    DialogsFastAbandonDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelFastAbandonDistribution.values ()), "Distribution of dialogs abandoned by the internaut before 90 seconds", Dialog, Distribution, Duration),

    DialogsCallbackRequestsCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of callback request, Dialog, Count),
    DialogsCallbackDurationBeforeOperatorAnswersThePhone (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCallbackRequestsCount), "Average duration before the operator answers the phone", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsCallbackDurationEndCallAndRemoveDialog (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCallbackRequestsCount), "Average duration before dialog is removed after the end of the call", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsCallbackDurationBetweenConnectedAndCompleted (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCallbackRequestsCount), "Average duration of a call", DurationS, Dialog, Duration),
    DialogsCallbackRatioRequestsAnswer (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", DialogsCallbackRequestsCount), "Ratio between callback answered and total callback requests", Percent, Dialog),

    // Livechat
    LiveChatOpportunitiesDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EDialogOpportunityType.values ()), "Livechat opportunities distribution of the dialogs", Dialog, Distribution, LiveChat),
    OperatorHelpRequestCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, "Amount of help requested to the supervisor", Operator, Count, LiveChat),
    ManualTransfersCount (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForOperators (), new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EDialogTransferType.values ()), "Number of manual transfers made towards an operator or a competency.", Operator, Count, LiveChat),
    LiveChatAvailability (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, "Duration in seconds with at least one available operator", LiveChat, Duration),
    OperatorNotPickedDialogsCount (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForOperators (), "Number of dialogs automatically transferred from the operator did not pick them.", Operator, Count),

    // interactions
    InteractionsCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of Interactions, Interaction, Count),
    EndUserInteractionsCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of End User Interactions, Interaction, Count),
    BusinessInteractionsCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of Business Interactions, Interaction, Count),
    InteractionsFeedback (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelFeedbackDistribution.values ()), "All interaction feedbacks count", Interaction, Feedback),
    InteractionsDurationRuntime (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", InteractionsCount), "Average runtime duration in milliseconds", DurationMS, Interaction, Duration),
    InteractionsDurationExtern (Dialogs, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1", InteractionsCount), "Average servlet duration in milliseconds", DurationMS, Interaction, Duration),
    InteractionsMaxDurationRuntime (Dialogs, Chart1D, Max, "Max runtime duration in milliseconds", DurationMS, Interaction, Duration),
    InteractionsMaxDurationExtern (Dialogs, Chart1D, Max, "Max servlet duration in milliseconds", DurationMS, Interaction, Duration),
    InteractionsResponseDistribution (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EResponse.values ()), new EResponseMDDataTreeSupplier (), "Interaction distribution depending on the EResponse", Interaction, Response),

    // cobrowsing
    CobrowsingSessionCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of Cobrowsing Session Successfully Initialized, Cobrowsing),
    CobrowsingErrorCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, "Number of failed cobrowing session due to initialization error", Cobrowsing),
    CobrowsingSentRequestCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of Cobrowsing Request Sent, Cobrowsing),
    CobrowsingAcceptedRequestCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of cobrowsing request accepted, Cobrowsing),
    CobrowsingDeclinedRequestCount (Dialogs, Chart1D, Number of cobrowsing request declined, Cobrowsing),

    // surveys
    / **
     * instanceid=the survey ID completed
     * /
    SurveyAnswersCount (SurveyAnswers, Chart2D, MDLabelSupplierForSurveyAnswers (), Number of Survey Completed, Survey, Count),

    // Knowledge articles
    KnowledgeCount (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EConditionType.values ()),
            new MDLabelSupplierForKnowledges (), "Number of dialogs using a knowledge article (associated with the entry point)", Knowledge, Count),
    KnowledgeFeedback (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForKnowledges (),
            new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelFeedbackDistribution.values ()),
            "Knowledge articles feedback by dialog (associated with the entry point)", Feedback, Count),
    KnowledgeNegativeFeedbackChoice (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForKnowledges (),
            new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (EMDLabelNegativeFeedbackChoiceDistribution.values ()),
            "Knowledge articles negative feedback choice by dialog (associated with the entry point)", Feedback, Count),

    // Tags
    TagsCount (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForTags (), new TagsMDDataTreeSupplier (), "Number of dialogs using a tag", Tag, Count),

    // Actions
    ActionsCount (Dialogs, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForActions (), "Action uses", Action, Count),

    // Links
    / **
     * instanceid1 = predefinedurlid
     * instanceid2 = actionid
     * /
    ClickedLinksCount (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForPredefinedLinks (), new MDLabelSupplierForClickActions (), Number of links clicked, Link, Count)
    SuggestedLinksCount (Dialogs, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForPredefinedLinks (), new MDLabelSupplierForClickActions (), "Number of links suggested", Link, Count),

    / **
     * instanceid1 = root field id
     * instanceid2 = child field id
     * /
    SurveyAnswersFieldsCount (SurveyAnswers, Chart3D, new MDLabelSupplierForSurveyFieldAnswers (), new MDLabelSupplierForSurveyFieldAnswers (), "Number of survey answers completed", Survey, Count),

    // status
    / **
     * instanceid=the status.ordinal ()
     * /
    OperatorStatusDuration (TimelineOperators, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDistribution (ELiveChatOperatorStatus.values ()), "Duration distribution on statuses in seconds", DurationS, Operator, Duration),
    OperatorConnectedMax (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, Max, "Maximum number of operators connected", Operator),
    OperatorConnectedDuration (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, new MDLabelSupplierForOperators (), "Operator connected duration with an available status", DurationS, Operator, Duration),
    OperatorOccupancyRate (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", OperatorConnectedDuration), "Operator occupancy rate: [duration with at least one dialog] / [duration connected with an available status]", Operator),
    OperatorSimultaneityRate (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", OperatorConnectedDuration), "OperatorConnectedDuration,"
    OperatorSimultaneityRateDistribution (TimelineOperators, Chart2D, new MDLabelSupplierForDialogsByOperatorCount (), new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatOperator]", OperatorConnectedDuration), "OperatorConnectedDuration,"
    OperatorProductivityRate (TimelineOperators, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C1 / C2 * 3600", DialogsEscalationToDialogOpeningCount, OperatorConnectedDuration), "Operator productivity rate", Operator),

    // Waiting queue
    WaitingQueueCapacity (TimelineWaitingQueues, Chart1D, "Capacity of waiting queue", WaitingQueue, Count),
    WaitingQueueOccupancyRate (TimelineWaitingQueues, Chart1D, new ChartableMultiDimensionsConverterAutoCompute ("C0 / C1 [LiveChatCompetency]", WaitingQueueCapacity), "Waiting queue occupancy rate", WaitingQueue, Count),

    // welcomecall
    WelcomeCallCount (WelcomeCalls, Chart1D, "Number of visitors, 24 hour via a cookie.", WelcomeCall, Count),

    // Internaut events
    TeaserClickCount (InternautEvents, Chart1D, Number of clicks on teaser, InternautEvent, Count);

Last updated

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