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Tous droits réservés @ 2023 dydu.
This page allows you to obtain statistics regarding visitors. The bot manager can thus know:
The number of visitors
How many of the visitors had a conversation with the bot
How many of these visitors had previously had a conversation with the bot
Indeed, during each visit to a page with the chatbot integrated, the system checks if the visitor has already visited that same page (typically based on the same cookie). If not, this visitor is considered new.
Here is indicated the number of times the page, where the bot is integrated, has been visited.
During each visit to a page with the integrated bot, the system checks if the visitor has previously visited the same page (this check is based on the same cookie). If not, this visitor is considered new.
Indicates the number of times a visitor to a page has interacted with the bot.
By using a cookie, it's possible to recognize visitors who have already had conversations with the bot.