
Knowledge filtering

Knowledge analytics help to identify the knowledge that is the most used as well as how satisfied users are about them.

Note: push knowledge corresponds to complementaries answers.

Filtered by count

  • Weighted count: is equal to the absolute sum divided by the number of interactions per dialog.

  • Absolute count: number of interactions related to a tag / knowledge.

    The Popularity parameter that you find below is the number of uses (use count) when doing analytics-related exports (For example, from Content > Import / Export > Quick Export > Timeline).

    Note: over the same period, you can see a difference between the results displayed on the analytics page and exports related to analytics. When analytics are measured on over more than 100 days, they are agglomerated monthly from the Analytics page. Therefore, the selection of a period from 01/01/2022 to 17/06/2022 will use the period from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022. However, the analytics-related exports will display the exact result on the exact selected period.

Knowledge cloud

The knowledge cloud gives you an overview of how knowledge is used. The bigger the bubbles, the more the knowledge is solicited and the more the color tends towards the green, the more the satisfaction is positive.


You can see the number of knowledge of your knowledge base that is used by users.

Show only disabled knowledge

If you want to display only knowledge that does not have the "Published" status (status indicating that the knowledge is used in production), click on the Show only disabled knowledge link.

Knowledge is ranked in order of popularity, ie the number of times it has been used.

Show extra information

The table above shows extra information about knowledge usage:

  1. "Popularity": the number of times knowledge has been solicited by end users at a given timeframe.

  2. "Total number of feedback": the number of feedback left by end users on a chatbot's answer at a given timeframe. If the number is underlined, it means at least a user comment has been left. You can review the comment in detail by clicking on it.

    Note: if a user has given multiple feedback during a conversation, only the one left on the last interaction will be counted in the total number of feedback. Therefore, the data shown here might differ from the real number of total feedback.

  3. "Positive feedback (in %)": the ratio of positive feedback to the total number of feedback left on a chatbot's answer.

  4. "Evolution": graphical information about the evolution of the following data at a given timeframe: popularity, relative popularity and number of feedback.

  5. Details about user's dissatisfaction (optional): when users are allowed to specify the reason for dissatisfaction after giving negative feedback, an extra graphic will display next to the "positive feedback" histogram to show the distribution of dissatisfaction reasons.

Last updated

Tous droits réservés @ 2023 dydu.